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Institute for Energy Technology

IFE is an independent foundation and one of the world’s foremost research communities on energy, located in Halden and Kjeller. Established in 1958, over the past 70 years our world-leading researchers have developed unique skills and competences on outstanding international projects in our nuclear reactors and research laboratories.

Our research reactors have led to better nuclear safety in our neighbouring countries and around the world, and are also key in leading research on energy and materials in Norway. At IFE we explore materials in new ways. We develop and produce cancer medicine. We are far ahead in the pursuit of next-generation battery technology and contribute to better solar, wind and hydrogen solutions. Offshore, we have developed low-emission petroleum technology and advanced digital solutions for management, security and communication.

The knowledge, innovation and development at IFE has created hundreds of billion NOK in values ​​for Norway and improved safety, environment and climate both at home and abroad.

The Halden Aerospace Laboratory

The Halden Aerospace Laboratory (HAL) was established at IFE in early 2020 as part of the Center for Advanced Sensor and Robotics Research (CASRR). The CASRR was formerly used as a workshop to develop test rigs and instrumentation for research experiments conducted in the Halden Reactor and other research reactors worldwide. HAL was established to harness the 60+ years of experience of designing and prototyping high-precision sensors, materials and instrumentation for extremely harsh environments, and to utilise this expertise to further research and development in space and other relevant domains in Norway and Europe. Our researchers specialise in human-technology interactions across multiple safety-critical and high-hazard industries, including nuclear, petroleum, aviation, rail, process industry, medicine, healthcare and renewable energy. Our focus on applied research enabes u to to encapsulate the entire value chain from theory through to actual implementation of solutions and tools.

Our vision is for HAL to become a national laboratory for applied aerospace research, supporting Norway’s continued strategic ambition of becoming a premier space nation. Through HAL, our partners will in addition gain access to the highly skilled researchers and advanced research laboratories of the Digital Systems sector based in Halden. Our in-depth cross-industrial knowledge of and expertise in digital systems, human factors and human-technology interaction (including automation, machine learning and robotics), big data management, fuels and materials analysis, safety and security, combined with our research laboratories makes HAL and IFE a unique asset for space research in Norway. HAL is also well-positioned to take advantage of the recently established national Cluster for Applied AI in Halden, of which IFE is a founding organisation.

Key research competences and services:

  • Sensor & instrumentation design & prototyping;
  • Humans factors, human-automation collaboration;
  • Human-robotics interaction;
  • Data science, artificial intelligence & machine learning;
  • Radiation modelling, shielding & protection;
  • Materials science;
  • Remote monitoring and operation;
  • Data generation, acquisition, storage, management & analysis;
  • Risk management and cybersecurity;
  • VR/AR tools for training;
  • Predictive modelling and decision support;
  • Multiple research laboratories.

Contact information:

Claire Blackett, Senior Research and Department Manager

Department of Humans and Automation

Digital Systems sector









