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Norwegian industrial forum for space activities

Gunnar Heløe is the new Director of NIFRO

Gunnar Heløe has a long and varied career in the Norwegian Navy. He has sailed as commander and squadron commander of Missile Torpedo Boats (MTBs), and has broad national and international experience. He holds a Master of Science degree from…

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Mari Eldholm appointed as Director of NIFRO

Mari Eldholm has been appointed as the next Director of NIFRO, and will assume the role from the 2nd of…

Norway Pavilion at IAC Bremen 2018.

With 12 companies, the Norwegian Space Agency and the Space Industry Association we are showcasing the best of Norwegian space…

2017 Conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS’17)

Big Data from Space refers to the massive spatio-temporal Earth and Space observation data collected by space-borne and ground based…
